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Showing posts from 2016

Apple Energy Bites RULE!

Awesome Recipe ⤵⤵⤵ Cinnamon Apple Energy Bites: Ingredients: 1 real apple peeled and cut into slices 8-10 figs (pull out the seed and let them soak in warm water for 10 min) 1 cup oats 1 cup almond meal 10 almonds 1/2 TBSP of Organic Maple Syrup 2 TBSP water (I used the fig water) 1 tsp cinnamon 1/4 tsp or less of all spice or apple pie spice Directions: Toss all ingredients into a blender. Blend until it all ingredients make a paste. Roll into balls. Let set in the fridge. Kid approved!!

Turkey Sloppy Joes

Recipe time! This is so delicious and CRAZY simple to make! Ingredients: 2 lbs organic ground turkey meat 1-2 cups organic Original BBQ sauce ( I used Simple Truth Original BBQ from Kroger) 1 bundle of large leaf lettuce Directions: 1. Cook turkey meat on med heat until almost cooked through. Break any large pieces into small ones. 2. Add BBQ sauce and mix well. 3. Continue cooking over low-med low heat. Stiring occasionally for about 5-10 min. 4. Set on low for 2-5 min to help thicken sauce. 5. Clean lettuce leaves. 6. Spoon out sloppy joe mix onto large lettuce leaves or whole wheat toast. Enjoy! #Recipe #foodgloriousfood #mealprepguru #delicious #stupidsimple #keepitorganic

Fun Fitness Moves!

These are some of my favorite fitness moves! You can do them with weights or without for a modification. Go as fast or as slow as you need to, depending on your fitness level. Whatever you do just get moving! So thankful for the 30 minutes I get to take care of me, so I can be my best for my family 👪 ❤ ! It may have been late last night, but my hubby gets it and was happy to take the kids allowing me get a workout in  💑 . I'm sweaty for sure, but feel sooo much better now! The stress just melts a way when you complete a good work.  😊 😄 💪 ‪#‎ getupanddoit‬   ‪#‎ familyisnotmyexcuseitsmyreasonformakinghealthychoices‬ ‪#‎ themommylife‬   ‪#‎ 30minanddone‬

Red Pepper & Garlic Hummus

Recipe Time Red Pepper & Garlic Hummus Infused hummus ROCKS!! Tastes way better then store bought and cheaper too! Ingredients 1 can of organic Chick Peas 3 large cloves of garlic 1/4 cup red peppers chopped 1/4 onion chopped 1/4 cup olive oil Directions -Sautee onion, garlic and peppers in olive oil until tender. -Drain liquid from chick peas. -Add chick peas to garlic/pepper mixture and continue cooking on low until chick peas are tender. Stiring every few minutes. -Once cooked through. Allow mixture to cool slightly. -Move warm hummus mixture to blender, Ninja, or food processor and blend until smooth. -Place in food storage container and store in the fridge. #recipe #awesomehummus #tasty #snacktime

Have You Ever?

You're invited!! -Have ever wondered what Shakeology is all about?  -Why I choose to drink it? You've probably noticed my posts about drinking Shakeology daily and how it's positively impacted my health/life... -Why and what makes it so healthy? -Why is it priced the way it is? -How you can work it into YOUR budget? -Is it just another weight-loss or protein shake? -What sets Shakeology apart and makes it different from other options on the market?... Then join us for a LIVE 1-hour Event right here on Facebook tonight! Wednesday, May 11th, at 8 PM Central (1 PM Eastern), we will be going over all these common questions about Shakeology, AND explaining why people love it. Our goal is to help others learn what it's all about! HOW TO JOIN: 1) Email me at and I'll send you the details. #shakeitbaby #knowledgeispower #shakeology101 #fuelforyourbody

Opportunity Knocks

Before the Coach opportunity fell into my lap, I was struggling horribly with my health. I was sick all the time and had gained a ton of weight which would NOT come off! My pant sizes had increased to a number I just didn't want to see anymore and I was sick of feeling stuck! I was depressed about my lack of improvement with all the things I had tried and skeptical that my health would ever improve, much less the weight ever coming back off again. It was not a happy time for me. As a family we were struggling to make ends meet and really wanted to improve our financial situation. Unfortunately at that time we were pretty limited on options. I REALLY wanted to stay at home with the kids, but we still needed the extra income just to scrape by each month. So there seemed to be no other options but to continue the struggle.,,, We had no savings, and when those, "Oh, crud!" moments hit most times we had no other choice but to place the bill on a credit card or call family

Healthy Asian Chicken Wraps

Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps Ingredients (Chicken Wraps): 1 4 ounce skinless, boneless chicken breast, grilled and sliced 4 leaves Bibb lettuce 5 water nut chest nuts, diced (optional) 2 Tbsp carrots, shredded 2 Tbsp bean sprouts (optional) Directions: Place cubed chicken and diced chestnuts in lettuce leaves. Chop with carrots and bean sprouts. Top with Asian dressing. Asian Dressing: 1 TBSP peanut butter 1 tsp soy sauce or Braggs Aminos 1/4 tsp sesame oil 1 TSP rice vinegar 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger pepper to taste red chili paste sriracha (optional) Directions: Combine all ingredients in a bowl and whisk. Drizzle dressing into lettuce cups.

No Going Back!

What a difference a face makes! Looking back I realize my face was basically telling me that my health was in the toilet! Ouch!! As you can see from the photo on the Left, before I got started with my healthy journey I was suffering from some major bloat plus some health issues that no one could diagnose. It was a very frustrating time for me and I was doing everything I could to muster a smile! I had horrible immune issues and I was dealing with hormonal problems which caused major weight gain and mood swings!! I was not sleeping well, and was battling with chronic fatigue. You name it, and I tried it to get healthy again! I eventually hit a wall as nothing I found worked for very long. I was inconsistent and fell prey to some pretty wicked cravings and bad habits. I really DID want to get control over my life, my health and get the HAPPY ME back again, however I felt stuck and didn't know what to do next. I had tried it all and failed misserably! They say when you pray

Healthy Summer Survival

This MAY challenge is all about becoming STRONG for the SUMMER !  We’re all super busy Mom’s, so it’s critical to find something we can all do that’s fun, healthy, but still tastes good, fits into our hectic schedules, simplifies life and makes us feel good about ourselves!  And taking better care of ourselves means we can give our BEST to our families!  Plus, it’s always nice to sport a pair of shorts or a new swim suite without stressing, right?! I know I’ve been slacking lately and definitely could use to tone up!! We’re gonna start of right by prepping the healthy way! No C-R-A-Z-Y diet restrictions or furiously exercising for hours to work off the winter pounds. Yay!! Which means less stress and eating real food! And an extra bonus, because you’ll be fueling your body correctly you won’t be craving junk food, sweets or heavy carbs like before. Woohoo!! -30 Day Group -Weekly Meal Planning -Daily Accountability -30 Minuet Workouts -Restaurant Guide -How to Curb

Help! My toddlers like to HIDE my Stuff!

If you have a toddler you'll totally relate to this pic/story! Especially if your toddler ❤'s to get into your things and hide them . Yesterday we decided to go downtown  to pick up some essentials for the family. When I went to pay I found that my bank card  was missing ! I searched and searched and couldn't find it ! We were super far from home, so I called my hubs  who saved the day by transferring funds  over to my business card. That way we could at least get some grocery's  for the family without having to return home. To add an extra twist to the day, my bank decided to flag ⚠ my purchases for fraud !! SAY WHAT?!! Thankfully my son  was there to help out while I made several phone calls to the bank to get everything fixed. Once we got home I went searching for the missing card. I kinda figured Kloe  had messed with my wallet  while I did dishes the other day. My hunch was correct! Quess where I found my card and insurance paper? Eve

I've got new GOALS!

I'm not gonna focus on all the mistakes I've made in the past few months. I'm just gonna focus on moving forward with my goals from here on out. Learning to focus on what you can control rather is way better then stressing over the past. 1st workout  post 3-Day Refresh  felt really good today! The stretches afterward felt even better.  #immovingforward #newgoals #nolookingback

No Joke! Wasp Stings HURT!!

Just got my 1st wasp  sting ever! OUCH!! Wasp stings are NO joke !! Kloe was having a blast running in the back yard and blowing Dandelion's while I followed behind and chatted with one of the Coaches on our team! When Kloe and I took a break from the outdoors I guess the wasp hitched a ride insdie on my shirt? Kloe needed to go potty so while I waited I decided to lean on the door jam. BIG MISTAKE! I totally leaned on the wasp and BAM!!!! I was like YOUCH ! WTH was that?!!! I've never been stung before so I'm glad to report I'm not allergic. Although I'm pretty shocked to learn how long the "ouch" part lasts   and how tender the area has become. My Coach was still listening on the line because I tossed the phone when I got stung. So I'm sure the conversation between Kaleb and I was pretty interesting to listen too LIVE. And went like this.... Me: OUCH! OMG it really hurts! What was that?!! Kaleb: OMG! You have a wasp on you!!!! Me: What?!.

Just ONE of those Days...

It's been one of the "T-H-O-S-E" kinda days... Up late developing a new system for our team with my business partner last nigt, Kloe woke up twice in the night, then she was up early and now she's already got her clothes off standing beside me in her undies and princess heals!...  Today's task list looks interesting as well and now I'm trying to figure out if I can swing and nap  and still get a workout in? Hmmmm.... Yesterdays plans for a workout were totally blown by several outside factors . So today I'm focusing on not sweat-in the small sh_t and just ROLLIN with life... Would you nap or workout? #questions #maniwantanap #hardworkpaysoff #growingabusiness #wahm


❤AWESOME news ahead!❤ It's encouragement and recognition time!! If you could see me right now you'd see me doing a MAJOR happy dance for everyone below! It's such a blessing and so wonderful when people share their accomplishments and transformations with me. Even better to hear how their lives, and their families lives are being impacted for the better every day!! Please note I will NOT be sharing names for privacy sake. I'm only sharing facts to encourage you to keep going on your healthy journey and give these ladies a well deserved SHOUT OUT  for all their consistency! ⭐Challenger #1 repoted losing 7lbs over the first 21 days! She said even though the scale shows a 7lbs loss she feels more toned and lighter. ⭐Challenger #2 reported she didn't have a lot of weight to lose, she mainly wanted to tone up. She's glad she doesn't have to starve herself to lose weight. "I'm so excited about this dinner plate. It really hits home that I

Bright and Shiny

Of course since Kloe is little she has no problem being bright and shiny  first thing in the a.m. even with waking up in the middle of the night... I'm sure you Moms feel my pain ... but this Momma needs a little extra boost to get going after waking up. Especially after doing taxes last night! That will definitely suck the life right out of a person! I totally feel crosseyed today and could care less if I ever see another number again!! That's why I'm super grateful for Shakeology! It's complete changed how I function first thing in the morning. It's super easy on my sensitive digestive system and it provides me with a steady flow of energy all day without over stimulating my body or causing me to crash. Not to mention it wakes me up and keeps me going with a spunky toddler all day. I ❤ it! #MyShakeologyStory #GoldenScoop #Sweepstakes #tbbcoach411

Never feel STUCK again! This is LIFE Changing!!

I felt….STUCK....FRUSTRATED...and generally UNHAPPY with the way life was going….I was struggling to find the “happy me” and "my smile". I just couldn't get out of the negative funk I was in and it felt like I would be stuck FOREVER. No matter what I tried I couldn't get a grip on my life, my health or my weight and all I wanted was a solid simple solution. Once I started surrounding myself with AMAZING and SUPPORTIVE people, learning how to start making healthier and consistent food choices, and adding FUN exercises into my BUSY life as a MOM...that's when I finally hit my turning point! That's when my LIFE STARTED TO CHANGE! Now I am on my way to being in the best shape of my life and I'm 40!! With TWO kids that are 10 yrs apart, I may be busier then before but I know what works and what has improved every aspect of my life at 40!! **See below...You don't want to miss this** I am looking for 10 WOMEN (you DON'T have to be a Mom to joi

Free Healthy Tips!

Top 3 MUST DO'S Being aware of your calorie intake is super important, but its only a small peice of the puzzle when it comes to getting healthier. Here are the top 3 things I did and continue to do to improve my health... 1. Be consistent with healthy habits. AKA eat more whole foods, less sugar and exercise 3-4 times a weeks.  2. Ditch all the chemicals and additives. Trade out cleaners, airfreshners and anything with dies or perfumes for healthy non toxic options. 3. Pay attention to your portion sizes and eat consistently through the day. #top3 #chemicalssuck #healthychoices

My pillow BLEW UP?!!

Epic Mommy fail kinda day! My daughter took advantage of a rare moment , grabbed my pillow and decided to have a little FUN ... Let's just say I was less the pleased ! Before doing anything rash I decided to call my hubby . He's awesome and talked me down off the ledge  so that I could CHILL and focus. Not a great start to my day... Poisitive thought for the day...the pillow can be replaced, I didn't blow my stack and I was able to clean everything up easily enough. Also a BIG thank you to Kaleb my awesome son who came down to watch his sister so I could clean up the mess without any added disasters.   #mommyfail #toddlerdays #omg

How I eat!

Being a busy Mom I have to keep things super simple. Thankfully "simple" doesn't have to mean boring though. I like to use containers to measure my portions. That helps me take the guess work out of things. And I also like to eat foods that I know my family will like too! The meals I make typically have 5 ingredients or less. Which makes putting meals together a sinch! Here's a lunch example from the other day. For more info on the containers you're welcome to email me at This salad was my post workout healthy FILLING lunch today 😙! This shows that you don't have to starve yourself to reach your goals and get the esults you want. You just have to eat the right foods in the right portions. Easy peasy! 1.5💚 1💛 1❤

Toddler ROAD Blocks!

My workout today was... ummm... well... interesting! When I finally got motivated to workout the weather had turned yucky ☔,  so I opted for some FUN with Turbo Fire 💪👟. Its fast paced and has great music! Just what I needed since I was in a mood today 😕. After popping in the DVD Kloe started off working out with me. Then she quickly got bored 😯 and decided it would be more fun to lay on the floor right in my path 😲. Awesome! So about 20 min in while I'm huffing and puffing she says, "Mommy! Pony tail!!" What?! So I stopped and quickly did some hair 💇. Then 10 min from the end just when I hit my groove I hear, "Mommy! Potty!" Really?! Ugh 😬... Regardless the small interruptions it felt good to get it done, and even if we had to stop for potty time I'd rather stop then clean up a mess. Do you workout with toddler interuptions too? Share your stories below. I'd love to hear them! #toddlerroadblock #mommydomyhair #workinoutwithmytoddler

Where did I leave my BRAIN?!

That moment you leave for the grocery store hungry and realize you forgot the healthy snacks! NO!!!! #dughmoment #groceryshoppingwhilehungry

Crock Pot Nights RULE!

Crock Pot Chicken Cacciatore 6 4oz chicken breasts 4 medium zucchini, cut into 1" prices 1 medium onion, cut ito wedges 26 oz tomato sauce Quinoa or Pasta Instructions Place the first 3 ingredients into a slow cooker. Pour in the sauce. Cook for 8 hours on low, or 4 hours on high. Prepare the pasta or quinoa as per instructions. Serve one cup of chicken mixture over one cup of pasta or quinoa.


CROCK POT BUFFALO CHICKEN LETTUCE WRAPS Ingredients: Chicken: •  24 oz. boneless skinless chicken breast •  1 celery stalk •  ½ onion, diced •  1 clove garlic •  16 ounces fat-free low-sodium chicken broth •  ½ cup hot cayenne pepper sauce Wraps: •  6 large lettuce leaves, romaine, Bibb or iceberg •  1½ cups shredded carrots •  2 large celery stalks, cut into 2-inch matchsticks Directions: 1. In a Crockpot, combine chicken, onions, celery stalk, garlic, and broth. 2. Cover and cook on high 4 hours. 3. Remove the chicken from pot, reserve ½ cup broth and discard the rest. 4. Shred the chicken with two forks, or an electric mixer. 5. Return to the slow cooker with the ½ cup broth and the hot sauce and set to on high for an additional 30 minutes. Makes 3 cups chicken. To prepare lettuce cups, place ½ cup buffalo chicken in each leaf, top with ¼ cup shredded carrots, celery, and dressing of your choice. Wrap up and enjoy!

Our 11 Potty Trainging Tips

🌟11 Potty Training Tips from our Family to Yours!🌟 As most of you know we've been deep in the trenches of potty training lately. Kloe is doing awesome with the process now! When we started though I REALLY wanted to quit! Since I know first hand how stressful potty training can be, I wanted to share the tips that worked for us and helped us the most. 😊 1. Be flexible: Each child is different. I have 2 kids, 10 yrs apart so by the time Kloe started potty training it was like starting from scratch again 🙆! Also what worked for Kaleb didn't work for Kloe. So my advice is be flexible and willing to shift gears if needed. Otherwise you'll stress yourself out, which stresses your child out too. 2. Be patient: Potty training isn't done over night. Yes, it's a simple concept for us, but some kids need time to adjust. Although Kloe was ready to potty train, she was not happy about losing the comfort of her diaper 😭. So it was very important for us to keep telling he

PCOS and the BEAR

Blessings to all my Cysters! I know its not always easy, but the fight is worth it!! Perseverance, consistency with healthy things and finding what works best for your body all pays off. Love and hugs to all! #pcos #persevere

Life by DESIGN

As a child I remember thinking my parents knew everything. Therfore, I felt as an adult I should know everything too. I should have everything in line and know exactly where I was supposed to go with my life, right? Maybe you felt the way too? Only to find out you knew nothing and had no clue where you wanted to go or what you wanted to be?... What I didn't know is as adults we are all in a constant state of learning and redifining ourselves. Who we feel we are changes over the years. What we want out of life changes too. And we eventually have the "Ah Ha" moment of allowing life to take it's course. Or we finally realize we can be redefined and be anything we want to be. If you asked me in my 20's what I wanted to be as an adult, I would've said a helicopter pilot. Although I did set out going for that, my plans quickly changed because of an inner ear issue. Back then I would have also said I belived the Almighty was in control over my life, I'm not

Work it girl!

Here's a great quick work out to get your day started off on a happy note. Give it a shot tomorrow and tell me how it went. 😆😉💪👟 #workout #fittip #fitnessroutine

Clean Eating and Fat Loss

Clean eating, food prep and nutrition are THE MOST important steps I do all week to keep my healthy journey on track. I have found out the hard way that you can work out all day and still not see results if your not getting the right nutrition and eating properly daily. Without good nutrition and proper healthy food options you'll have one of two out comes. Either you won't see results at all, or your body will hang onto fat in specific parts of the body (back fat, belly, arms)... Once your get your nutrition along with clean healthy eating in line, that's when you'll see real changes happen. You'll see the fat fly off, your muscles nice and toned and your results will last! #tip #cleaneating #realdeal

Mint Chocolate Rules!

Mint Chocolate Shakeology Mug Cake is awesome! Really hits the spot without overdoing my sweet tooth! It's low in sugar too! Ingredients: 1/4 tsp baking powder 1 tbsp Organic Maple Syrup 1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology dash of salt 1 egg A few Mint Choco Chip baking morsels 2 or 3 tbsp cashew milk (unsweetened) Directions: In a mug mix Shakeology, baking powder, salt, cocoa, and sweetener. Next, mix in an egg and 2-3 tablespoons of cashew milk. Mix until dry ingredients are wet. Drop a few mint choco chip morsels in the center and push it down slightly. Microwave for 90 sec. As it cooks the cake will rise. When it is done the edges will pull from the sides. Enjoy!

Does PCOS Get Me Down?

Does my PCOS ever get me down? Ummm...All the time! I have to work hard and plow through the emotions 😭 and hormones 😢 that over come my moods and undermine healthy habits 🍎 all the time. Its not always easy for me. The one constant that gets me through is Jesus. I pray 🙇 and read my Bible 📖 and He reminds me how strong I can be and motivates me to keep going. He reminds me I don't have to be perfect. I just have to keep working on me and stop STRESSING out because stress undermines every positive thing He provides.

Mediterranean Chicken and Salad

This is amazing and flavor packed! Ingredients: 2 - 3 lbs Chicken Breast Olive Oil 1 TBSP Thyme Pink Himalayan Salt 3 -4 Tomatoes chopped 1 Cucumber chopped 1/2 Red Onion diced 1 Clove Garlic minced 2 - 3 Basil Leaves sliced Feta Cheese crumbled Directions: Clean chicken and place in zip lock bag. Add 2+TBSP olive oil, Thyme, and 2+ tsp Pink Himalayan salt to the bag. Zip bag and make sure everything covers the chicken. Place in fridge 30 min or over night for more flavor. Grill chicken on the grill for 4 min then flip and cook till done. Then allow chicken to rest on a plate covered for 5 min. In a separate bowl add tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, basil, garlic, 2 TBSP olive oil, 2 tsp Pink Himalayan Salt and mix together. Sprinkle Feta Cheese over the salad once ready to serve. Serve with Quinoa.