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❤AWESOME news ahead!❤

It's encouragement and recognition time!! If you could see me right now you'd see me doing a MAJOR happy dance for everyone below! It's such a blessing and so wonderful when people share their accomplishments and transformations with me. Even better to hear how their lives, and their families lives are being impacted for the better every day!!

Please note I will NOT be sharing names for privacy sake. I'm only sharing facts to encourage you to keep going on your healthy journey and give these ladies a well deserved SHOUT OUT  for all their consistency!

⭐Challenger #1 repoted losing 7lbs over the first 21 days! She said even though the scale shows a 7lbs loss she feels more toned and lighter.
⭐Challenger #2 reported she didn't have a lot of weight to lose, she mainly wanted to tone up. She's glad she doesn't have to starve herself to lose weight. "I'm so excited about this dinner plate. It really hits home that I can eat a full meal and still be healthy and lose weight ". She's lost 4lbs and 3 1/4" during the 21 day challenge. Then lost another 3.4 lbs and 4 3/4" doing the 3 day refresh!
⭐Challenger #3 reported losing 7 1/4" over her entire body during the 21 day challenge! And her clothes are fitting better which was her main goal!
⭐Challenger #4 reported losing 30 lbs since January!! She struggled with inflammation and an injury, regardless the set backs she's been making awesome strides to improve her health daily and is feeling a lot better! With all the healthy changes she's been learning more about how her body works and getting healthier everyday.

Aren't these ladies AMAZING?!!! If you agree give them PROPS below! ❤
They've been working consistently toward their goals and that consistency has blessed them with great healthy results!! Way to ladies!! 

I'm so blessed to be working with each of you, regardless of me being your Coach YOU ALL are the ones investing in yourselves, doing the work and choosing to make the changes that are improving your lives each day! I'm so super proud of you all and blessed to share in your journey! 
For anyone reading this post, if these ladies can do it with busy schedules, kids, injury's and can YOU! Now go make your goals a reality!!

#reachinggoals #accomplishments #soexcited #thecoachlife


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