Just got my 1st wasp sting ever! OUCH!! Wasp stings are NO joke !! Kloe was having a blast running in the back yard and blowing Dandelion's while I followed behind and chatted with one of the Coaches on our team! When Kloe and I took a break from the outdoors I guess the wasp hitched a ride insdie on my shirt? Kloe needed to go potty so while I waited I decided to lean on the door jam. BIG MISTAKE! I totally leaned on the wasp and BAM!!!! I was like YOUCH ! WTH was that?!!! I've never been stung before so I'm glad to report I'm not allergic. Although I'm pretty shocked to learn how long the "ouch" part lasts and how tender the area has become. My Coach was still listening on the line because I tossed the phone when I got stung. So I'm sure the conversation between Kaleb and I was pretty interesting to listen too LIVE. And went like this.... Me: OUCH! OMG it really hurts! What was that?!! Kaleb: OMG! You have a wasp on you!!!! Me: What?!.