As a child I remember thinking my parents knew everything. Therfore, I felt as an adult I should know everything too. I should have everything in line and know exactly where I was supposed to go with my life, right? Maybe you felt the way too? Only to find out you knew nothing and had no clue where you wanted to go or what you wanted to be?...
What I didn't know is as adults we are all in a constant state of learning and redifining ourselves.
Who we feel we are changes over the years.
What we want out of life changes too.
And we eventually have the "Ah Ha" moment of allowing life to take it's course. Or we finally realize we can be redefined and be anything we want to be.
If you asked me in my 20's what I wanted to be as an adult, I would've said a helicopter pilot. Although I did set out going for that, my plans quickly changed because of an inner ear issue.
Back then I would have also said I belived the Almighty was in control over my life, I'm not quite sure I really believed that He was. I had to over come some HUGE and some BITTER obstacles. So my focus was pretty negative on what course my life would take.
Looking back now I can safely say The Almighty had other plans for me. He carefully orquestrated a series of events that I would never known could fit together. He is definitely the MASTER PUZZLER!
He allowed me to fall on my face due to some rather horrible decisions (believe me warnings were given and my choices were lacking). Thankfully His plan prevailed and eventually this once hopeful helicopter pilot became a supporter, motivator, and healthy minded Coach!
I may eventually learn to fly helicopters (it's still a goal of mine), however He knew I would be much better suited serving others.
He knew my slip ups and face plants through life would impact others positively and show His LOVE and Mercy regardless of are stupid mistakes.
He knew that I would excel in the health and wellness field, so He used my ambition for being a pilot to lead me to my husband (who had his own life events to be sent to meet me too).
I guess what I'm trying to say is that we are always learning and becoming what we are intended to be. We may not always know intitally what that is, but the journey is full of value along the way. So embrace life and live it well!
#motivation #lifebydesign #Hehasaplan
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