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Showing posts from 2015


This really hit home with me when I read it. It reminded me of how I used to behave, feeling victim of our situations and helpless to change our circumstances. It didn't matter if we had made a poor decision and had consequences do to those poor decisions or someone else was causing us troubles... I would focus on the negative and cause myself to be self defeated so that I would feel validated for more poor decisions. Thankfully I had a "Come to Jesus" moment and my eyes were opened to what was really going on. When I was able to see clearly, take owner ship of my mistakes, let go of the past and started reading the Bible regularly I was able to over come the head trash and started making better choices for myself. My health, positive thoughts, relationships, jobs, income and consistency improved. So whatever has been holding you back you are capable of overcoming and making a better life for yourself! #motivation #inspiration

5 Tips for Healthier Holiday Feasting

Struggling with PCOS? Here is my story...

My BIO is pretty long because I have been through A LOT! So here is a quicker version to explain all of what I have been through and what I found that has worked and helped me make PCOS manageable.

It Feels So Good To Get Stuff Done!

Yay!! We completed the Ultimate Reset!! I could not be happier right now. Although I did not do this for weight loss, I did lose lbs and inches from all over. I'm pleased with the results and feel much better, which the improved health was my main goal and we nailed it! I had a few struggles, with a detox that is normal as your flushing all sorts of junk, but all was doable and I am thankful for the friends and support during this challenge. We all leaned on each other which made life more bearable! ❤ u all!! My husbands company has us do blood work yearly for our insurance premium. Typically they have us do it once the holidays are over, you know right after we have finished stuffing our faces with less then stellar choices. So I'm excited to see the differences in the blood work now that the Reset is over and I have a clean slate. Should be very cool! Not a fan of needles, but its worth it!! I also did my measurements and have before and afters too. Brett is letting me shar

Carrot Quinoa Soup

Carrot Quinoa Soup It may not sound like much, but this soup was extremely yummy and filling! Great for a cold night and easy on the budget. - 6-9 Carrots peeled and chopped (I chose colored carrots this time) - 1/2 Yellow Onion minced - 4 Celery stalks chopped - 1/2 cup Quinoa - 1 32oz box Veggie Stock Directions: - Sautee onions until tender in olive oil on med heat. - Add carrots and celery and sautee until tender. - Add Veggie Stock and bring to a boil, then lower to Low heat. - I cook the quinoa separately and add at the end. **You can cook the quinoa in the soup, however you will need an extra cup of liquid. - Add salt and/or Red Pepper Flakes to jazz it up.

Best Salad Dressing EVER!!

Recipe Alert⤵⤵⤵ Creamy Garlic Dressing - 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil - 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar - 3-5 cloves of garlic (crushed) - 3 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice - 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh parsley (optional) - 1 tsp. Himalayan salt - 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard (regular mustard makes it more tangy) - 1 Tbsp. unfiltered honey or Organic Grade A Maple Syrup Blend in a blender until smooth.

Healthy Sweet Treat Alert!

Chocolate Shakeology Mug Cake Perfect for sweet treat treat that is low in sugar! (You could probably use any flavor Shakeo you have on hand) I used Vegan Chocolate and it was awesome! Ingredients: 1/4 tsp baking powder 1 tbsp Organic Maple Syrup 1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology dash of salt 1 egg optional mix in: 1 tsp peanut butter, cocoa powder 2 or 3 tbsp cashew milk (unsweetened) Directions: In a mug mix Shakeology, baking powder, salt, cocoa, and sweetener. Next, mix in an egg and 2-3 tablespoons of water/milk. Mix until dry ingredients are wet. If you’d like to add peanut butter, put one dollop in the center and push it down a bit. Microwave for 90 sec. When it is done the edges will pull from the sides. Enjoy! Calories: 230 Calories with PB: 260 21 Day Fix: 1.5 Red, (& 1/2 Grey if PB added)


***Been stuck on HOLD with your goals? Special Opportunity below*** Are you ready to get serious and start making consistent healthy changes that you can stick with daily? I'm not talking about gimmicks or quick fixes. What I am offering is a chance to NAIL your goals the healthy way and create a better lifestyle that you can live with! The simple facts are that the average person who is already struggling gains 7-12 pounds during the holiday season! OUCH!! That is C-R-A-Z-Y, right?! No one wants to be part of that statistic, so why not work on boosting your metabolism and creating a healhier lifestyle NOW the healthy way? Keeping things simple works best! I have found that when people don't have to over think or over complicate nutrition, food or fitness, everyone has more success and less stress. Which means consistent healthier habits, inches lossed, and happier people in general! My 21 Day Challenge's are perfect for creating consistent healthy habits, shedding extr

How to Overcome a Mental Rut

Mental RUT'S stink right?!! Here's a few tips on how to get passed those ruts and stay on track. We often look at unfortunate situations through a pessimistic lens—but what does that really do for us? Instead of fixating on “coulda, woulda, shoulda,” maybe it’s more beneficial to set your mind on moving forward. A good way to do this is by focusing on possible solutions for the future, rather than the problems of the past. When people are obsessed over a problem, its easy to get discouraged by the lack of progress and/or repeatedly failing to achieve their goals. When things get to hard we toss our hands in the air as if to say, “what the hell” and move on to the next thing. Think about a situation, such as slipping up on your diet by eating a slice of cake. Since you’ve already failed, you continue to indulge and binge on even more junk food, because “what the hell,” why not? But all of this drives you further and further away from your original objectives. Instead, forget

Mint Chocolate Truffles

I LOVE chocolate! Especially MINT chocolate! These minty truffles have so much chocolate flavor, one is all you need!!! Ingredients: 5 oz dark chocolate, 70% cocoa or higher, finely chopped 1 Tbsp. extra-virgin coconut oil, melted ½ cup canned lite coconut milk ½ tsp. pure mint extract (or pure vanilla extract) ⅓ cup unsweetened cocoa Preparation: 1. Combine chocolate, oil, and extract in a small bowl; mix well. Set aside. 2. Bring coconut milk to a gentle boil in small saucepan over medium heat. 3. Add coconut milk to chocolate mixture; whisk gently to blend. 4. Place chocolate mixture, covered, in refrigerator for at least 4 hours, or overnight. 5. Using a melon baller or spoon, scoop out 1 Tbsp. of chocolate mixture. Roll into a ball. Roll in cocoa powder until evenly coated. Repeat to make twelve truffles. 6. Store in refrigerator for up to one week or in freezer for three months.

Carbs? Good or Bad?

Carbs are really not the bad guy they are made out to be. The problem is most people do not know which ones to use o how to use them properly. Eating small portions of carbs goes a long way to help keep your sugars balanced and keep your energy up daily. So use them wisely!


Ever get sick of the daily grind and missing out on family time? Being strapped living on a very tight budget with no relief in site? Those are just a few reasons I started considering working from home. Our top priorities are the Almighty and our family. We wanted everything to work around them, including a business, instead of the opposite which was having our lives dictated by our jobs so that family came last. That was a huge NO GO!! Since making the decision to work from home we have been HUGELY blessed! Now we have the freedom to care for our family the way they need us to and still take care of business without missing any time with them. Last week we chilled around the table and played with play dough, colored, went to 2 soccer ⚽ games and played outside🌳 because the weather was so beautiful! My office went with us and we all benefited, because of the awesome flexibility Coaching has brought to our family. My Office = My Freedom Whatever position you are in, this opportuni

You Can Have Success!

Changes don't happen over night, but they do happen! Consistency and smart choices are the key!! I didn't start out with a goal to lose weight, that was just a bonus. My initial goal was to become healthy again because I was struggling in so many areas. I couldn't sleep, think straight, my moods were crazy, hormones were a mess with PCOS, and my cravings were through the roof! Thankfully with the right tools, support, nutrition and consistency I was able to reclaim a healthy ME again! Are you feeling stuck and in need of a change? Try my next healthy Pre-Turkey Day Challenge! You can do this!! Email me at or click going to my event below. 👇👇👇 I am so excited for this Pre-Turkey Extravaganza event! We all do it yearly... Stuff our faces until we want to pop. Then we ignore that we are feeling bloated and uncomfortable, put on baggy clothing and wait until after the holidays are over to start feeling better again. So this year I want to change that

Overcoming Obstacles

What do you tell yourself when you struggle? Do you remind yourself that things will improve if you give it time or do you get lost in the moment and find yourself feeling shattered, worn out and potentially on the verge of quitting? I have done both. And depending on the situation been on the verge of quitting something because I was super stressed. However one thing I have learned is that quitting achieves nothing but staying where you are at. You don't move forward or go backward. You just sit idle until you decide to pull it together and push on. I think the enemy takes advantage of those situations as well and uses that negative self speak against us,making us feel like what we are doing isn't worth it. Thankfully Jesus is there to pick up the pieces and pull us together so we can choose to keep pushing forward again. He definitely sees a stronger person in me then I do most days. Gotta LOVE Him for always believing in us!

Join Me!

Would You LOVE To Work From Home And Get Fit? FREE ONLINE FITNESS COACH ORIENTATION GROUP I'm looking for 5 women to mentor in an online health and fitness coaching business in November. I am a Mom to a 2 1/2 and 13 year old and I work from home as a Beachbody Coach with an online fitness coaching business. Have you thought to yourself..."I would love to work from home and earn a full time income! But what is this coaching thing Leigh keeps talking about?" You can learn more by joining our 3 Day Sneak Peak and we will show you how it is going to work! >>Drop your email below if you are interested in learning more and joining the group on Facebook and I will contact you with the link to the group! Or message me Be sure to ADD me as a friend a so I can add you into the group. YAY, this is going to be so much fun!

Change your Perspective, Change your Life!

Perspective is everything when you are trying to make positive and health changes in your life. Doing your best to focus on the positive and the things you did right daily is super important! When we over analyze things we tend to stand in judgment of everything and everyone. So I have found its best to relax and let go. Jesus can handle everything with out us holding on tight to all the strings. When we hold on too tight, it's too easy to miss all the good and beautiful moments that surround us. Changing your perspective can drastically improve your health and your life!

5 Tips for Warding Off a Cold

We have all tried to avoid the common cold by taking our vitamins, avoiding our sniffly friends, and obsessively washing our hands. But despite our best efforts, we can tell we’re coming down with a cold. Luckily, you can take a few simple steps to nip it in the bud — or at least speed up your recovery so it doesn’t ruin your whole week. Here’s how to get rid of a cold — according to someone in the know: Dr. Scott Helmers, an urgent care physician for the Mayo Clinic Health System. 1. Hydrate. Your mom was right: You need your fluids. Hydration helps your body fire on all cylinders, but it’s especially important when you’re battling a cold. A cup of warm water or hot tea can soothe a scratchy throat, and the fluids will thin out your mucus, so you won’t feel as stuffy. Water, juice, or broth will do the trick, and you don’t need to overthink the number of ounces. “It’s really just a matter of satisfying your thirst — maybe have an extra glass of fluid every couple of hours,” says Dr.

Pumpkin Spice Protein Pancakes

Pumpkin Spice Protein Pancakes are perfect for fall! Ingredients: 1 cup pumpkin puree ¼ cup unsweetened almond milk 3 large egg whites (⅓ cup) 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract 1 cup quick cooking oats 1 scoop whey protein powder, vanilla flavor ½ tsp. ground cinnamon ½ tsp. ground nutmeg 1 tsp. baking powder Nonstick cooking spray 2 Tbsp. reduced fat (2%) plain Greek yogurt Preparation: 1. Combine pumpkin, almond milk, egg whites, and extract a medium bowl; whisk to blend. Set aside. 2. Combine oats, protein powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and baking powder in a medium bowl; mix well. 3. Add oat mixture to pumpkin mixture; mix until just blended. 4. Heat large nonstick skillet lightly coated with spray over medium heat. Ladle about ¼ cup batter for each pancake; cook for 2 to 3 minutes, or until bubbles form on top. Flip. Cook for 90 seconds, or until golden brown and cooked through. 5. Divide pancakes between two serving plates; top evenly with yogurt. Tip: Leftover pancakes c

The Instant Gratification Sucker Punch

Most of us want instant gratification whether it be with our health, finances, work, food, weight loss, school... Often forgetting and overlooking what instant gratification actually does to us. Instant gratification is not a learning tool! It provides no skills for the future. It only provides easy access which over time depletes value and creates a dependent spirit and negative attitude. Often leaving us feeling let down or taken advantage of. Which depletes us of much more then what we thought over time. When we finally wake up from our instant gratification haze and start taking the time to invest in ourselves the right way, we start to grow, our attitudes change for the better and we find value in things all around us. Although it's a longer process, which requires hard work, perseverance and consistency... over time we are built into stronger and healthier individuals in all areas of our lives. Often times far exceeding what instant gratification could have ever given us!

Stuffed Peppers is what's for dinner!

Have you ever tried stuffed peppers? YUM!! Super easy to make too!? This was last nights dinner. Along with a side of steamed green beans. -Chicken chunked -Quinoa or your choice of grain -Adzuki beans or your choice of bean -Mix together in a bowl -Add mixture to peppers -Top with cheese if you like -Bake for 30-40 min at 350°

How to get MOTIVATED when your not feeling the LOVE

Some days your just not gonna feel like working out, drinking water or eating right. Those are the days you have to push a little harder and speak some truth to yourself. Do I want to do this today, "No". Will this help me, "Yes". Will being consistent get me to my healthy goal faster, "Yes". Enough said... I have found speaking some truth to yourself, asking yourself some questions about why your struggling really helps when your having a crummy day. Its been an important part of my healthy journey to identify the stumbling blocks. Sometimes we allow others to interfere with how we feel, sometime we just feel out of control in general or just have a bad attitude towards life and circumstances. So the questions come in super handy to identify the route problem, so you can get a handle on things and make some positive choices for yourself. Today I had to ask myself some tough questions. And I came to the realisation that I was not the one in control o

Do you DRINK enough WATER?

Let's drink more water! Starting Monday, August 3rd, I'll be hosting a new free 7 Day Water Challenge. Most of us get stuck when it comes to remembering to drink more water. So if you have been struggling in this area come join in the fun! Here's what you can expect: 1. Learn how much water to drink daily. 2. Accountability 3. Tips 4. Healthy water flavoring recipes 5. Fun and more! How to join: 1. Comment "I'm in" below. 2. If we are not friends yet, Friend me at ingham

Dear John Letter to my Scale...

Dear scale, I'm so sorry but I have to break up with you. I used to hang on your every word, and value your opinion, but lately I really feel like you have been with holding important information from me! All you seem to do is discourage me and my friend's!! You never tell me how much muscle I have gained, how much fat I have lost or tell me awesome I look in my pants. However you'll be happy to show me how big my butt has gotten and make me feel like an elephant! So today I am parting ways with you. I know its difficult, but you will be ok. In all seriousness my recommendation on the scale is to hide it or get rid of it completely! It doesn't paint a accurate picture of what is actually going on inside your body. It can't tell you all the awesome changes your body is undergoing every minute of the day. It can't tell you if you have lost fat or gained muscle. It can't tell you how amazing you look in your pants and it can't show you the love you deserve

Guilt FREE Desert

Okay, so I'll admit that I have a bit of a sweet tooth. What I like about the 21 Day Fix program is that I can still live like a normal person and have a little desert with out having to stress. So the other night I came up with this yummy recipe: ~1-2 nectarines (depends on the size of the fruit and if your feeding family too) = 1 PURPLE container ~2-3 Shakes of Cinnamon ~Handful of almonds or pecans = 1 BLUE container ~1 YELLOW container full of Organic Oat and Honey Cereal (I actually didn't need to use the entire container) 1.Slice apricots and place on foil. 2. Sprinkle with Cinnamon and wrap up the foil gently. 3. Place in 350° oven for 15-20 min. 4. Roast nuts in a pan for a few min on low-med low heat. 5. Place baked apricots on a plate and top with a little cereal and nuts. You can drizzle a little juice let from the foil over the whole thing to kick up some sweetness, but it s not necessary.


LET'S SPARKLE 4 SUMMER! I want to SPARKLE for summer! To walk out feeling confident in my shorts and not having my thighs slap together!! Totally hate that when it happens. Or better yet, I want to SPARKLE walking out on the Beach in my new bathing suite! So far I have focused on making simple healthy changes and my body has responded well! I have dramatically reduced the amount of fat I was hauling around, improved my immune system and I am carving out some new muscles I didn't even know I had! Since the plan has worked so well, I want to share it with you and continue the journey!! It won't take long. Only 21 Days! We will focus on a simple clean eating plan, proper portion sizes (using special containers to simplify things), dense nutrition, and 30 min of fitness daily. That's it! Yes, you can even have some cheat nights with wine or chocolate!! So NO starving and you get to live like a human while getting fit and healthy! Sounds pretty amazing, and it is!! This

4 Strategies to Reduce Muscle Soreness

One experience that unites active people, athletes, and non-athletes, is the onset of muscle pain or soreness from intense exercise. It’s accepted that delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)  occurs when the body is repeatedly exposed to demanding or unaccustomed exercise or high-intensity eccentric muscle contractions . In general, DOMS continues to increase after exercise,  peaking between 24 to 72 hours afterwards . The mechanisms are being researched, but  DOMS is a major cause of reduced exercise performance,  loss of muscle strength, and range of motion, and is a common reason for continual psychological discontent. Improving the body’s recovery capabilities is receiving ever more emphasis by researchers and practitioners such as performance specialists, coaches, and trainers. The following four approaches cover some of the latest recovery techniques proposed to reduce exercise-induced inflammation, soreness, and improve adaptation and future exercise performance. 1

Breakfast Salad?

The 21 Day Fix is one of my favorite programs! It makes life so simple and quick!! So it’s time to up your breakfast game and think outside of the cereal box. Who says you can’t have a salad for breakfast? We topped hearty greens with breakfast favorites, egg and bacon. We love the added crunchiness of the sunflower seeds and turkey bacon with the tenderness of the soft-boiled egg and tomatoes. If you don’t already love breakfast, you will now! In fact, you’ll want to eat this salad for lunch and dinner, too! For those following the 21 Day Fix Eating Plan, this salad uses 1 green, ½ red, 1 blue, and ½ teaspoon. Breakfast Salad Total Time:  15 min. Prep Time:  15 min. Cooking Time:  None Yield:  2 servings Ingredients: 2½ cups chopped kale ¼ medium red onion, chopped 1 medium tomato, chopped ¼ cup toasted sunflower seeds 2 slices cooked turkey bacon, chopped Sea salt (or Himalayan salt) and ground black pepper (to taste; optional) 2 Tbsp. all-natural vinaig

Chalene Johnson’s 10 Tips for Getting Your Kids to Eat Healthy

As hard as it is to fight your junk food urges, if you have kids, you probably know that getting Junior to make smart food choices is triple the challenge. It’d be excellent if you could just yell, “Hey, you! Eat your spinach!” But you can’t. As is the case when dealing with most aspects of a child’s life, it takes commitment, patience, and some serious cunning to steer them down the right path. If you’ve watched the “Healthy Eats” disc of the ChaLEAN Extreme program, you know that Chalene and her husband Brett made a commitment to teach their son Brock and daughter Sierra the benefits of a solid diet. Here, in Chalene’s words, is a little insight on how they did it. 1. Portion control. Digging into the entire box of goldfish crackers, or any other kid’s snack, is a bad idea. So it’s a good idea to empty out that box into smaller ziplock bags, for better portion control. Do this the moment the treats are pulled from the grocery store bags! This helps children unders

How Zigzag Dieting Can Break Your Weight Loss Plateau

Zigzagging is the most powerful tool in your nutrition arsenal for adjusting your diet as your fitness or your goals change. Whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, or just eat so that you perform at your best, the most effective tool to figure out how much you should be eating is known as zigzag dieting . Also referred to as “refeeding” in bodybuilding circles, it’s a technique I’ve been using for years. Here’s how to zigzag diet: On 2-3 days of the week, eat the same number of calories you usually would. On the remaining 4-5 days, eat more (or less) calories. The general practice is 4 days of change and 3 days of remaining the same, but some prefer 5 and 2, or even changing daily as shown in the graph below. No matter which plan you follow, your body will tell you if it was a good idea by responding better (or worse) to your workouts. While it’s generally used to add calories (hence, “refeeding”), it works the same in both directions. Continue zigzagging up and

5 Ways You Might Be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

If you just started an exercise plan or are working out more consistently, you may need to change how you fuel your body to get the most out of it. Common nutrition mistakes such as drinking your calories or eating too much postworkout may be the reason why you can’t lose weight (or inches) even though you’re giving it your all. Although getting fit isn’t just about the scale, it’s still an important factor, so we’ll break down 5 common problems—and how to fix them—to get you back on the path to results. Problem 1: You have no idea how many calories you’re really eating It’s common to think more exercise = more calories. But if you’re trying to lose weight, you may be adding on as many calories as you’re burning—or more. “Think about the food that you’re eating to fuel your workouts and ask yourself how it fits into your total calorie allotment for the day,” advises Felicia Stoler, MS, RD, a nutritionist and exercise physiologist. Just because you hit the cardio hard tod

Strawberry Cherry Delight

An amazing way to get all your nutrition for the day! Its like a tasty treat only good for you!! All your daily value nutrition for the day + Amino's, digestive aids and much much more all packed into this one glass. Recipe: -Handful of pitted cherries -3 quartered Strawberries -1 Packet or Scoop Vegan Tropical Strawberry Shakeology -4 oz Cashew Milk -10 oz of water *Handful of ice (optional) *for creamier texture add 2 slices of Avocado -Blend in the blender till smooth

How Often Should You Eat?

The simple rule for millions of years has been to eat to survive, but our modern lifestyle seems to have it flipped. Now, with obesity rates on the rise and affecting more than one-third of Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it seems humans survive so they can eat. "What we should eat", has been debated as diet recommendations have changed over the decades from fat free to high protein to low carb. As has the simplest of factors — how much we should eat — with calories occupying the central role. But what about when ? If your goal is weight loss, should you eat throughout the day or is there value in reserving meal times for certain segments of the day? It turns out that answer is personal. “The recommendations for eating patterns (including the number of times you eat throughout the day as well as when you eat) needs to be approached on an individual basis taking individual goals into consideration,” says Jessica Bachm

Healthy food in the House!

Being prepared has been the biggest element to keeping up with my healthy goals. So today I spent a little time while my clean Chili was cooking to food prep for the next week. A few of us in our Fit and Healthy group are getting a jump start this week before the main group starts next week. Its going to be SO much fun!! We will be focusing on clean eating, simple meal plans, portion control, 30 min fitness and encouraging each other for the next 21 Days! Want to join us? There is still time to jump into next weeks group. Simply email me at and I will be in touch!

Being SUPER independent

I used to be the person who had to do everything on my own. I grew up an only child and was very independent. Then through life's experiences I lost trust in others around me. As I became a young woman I took on the moto, "If you want anything done right, do it yourself". Which really added more stress to my already full schedule and allienated others. My fear and lack of trust was a HUGE stumbling block for a long time. Then one day Jesus spoke to my heart and made me realize what I was doing was super prideful! My independence had turned into something that was hurting me and the ones I loved. So I started small and decided to give others a chance and let go of my ultra high expectations. I am still a work in progress, but here is what has happened since I started allowing others to help me. My family has taken some of the chores off my shoulders. So less stress for me. I get to see them grow and learn by allowing them the chance to try. Which makes them happy and hel


I love meal prep! It comes in so handy. Although the food does seem to go faster then expected, what I have found is because the food is ready to go everyone makes better choices including the kids. We all make less lazy choices, which saves us money because we are no longer having to go buy fast food for lack of preparation (forgetting to defrost food, which I was nutoreous for doing). And everyone feels better and behaves more pleasant because their body isn't having to deal with toxic, chemically junk from poor food choices. What are your favorite snack/meals to prepare ahead of time? Anything specific your kids like? Mine obviously like berries! Lol!

Did you know?

We often forget that water is such an important part of your day. Most people start off drinking a cup of coffee and forget to rehydrate with water first before consuming any other liquids. As we sleep our bodies do a lot of work recovering from the day before. Our organs slow down and everything goes into a slight hibernation to rest and repair. Once you wake up your bodies start to reactivate all these organs which now need hydration to get them operating optimally again. So first thing in the morning it is highly recommended to start off with at least 12-20 oz of water first before drinking anything other liquids. Especially coffee! Coffee is a natural dehydrate. So if that is your first liquid for the day, you are now placing your body in a deficit for hydration and you will need more water later on to adjust for the lack of water in the morning. This leaves you more thirsty through out the day plus you may find yourself more tired and dragging to get through the remainder of th

My PCOS Journey

Frustrated, anxious, exhausted, unbalanced, bloated... These were just a few of the things I was feeling after baby #2. Some of the things I was feeling were not under my control, my daughter didn't start sleeping well until around month #10 and my PCOS symptoms were in full gear again. However I was determined to focus on what I could change, like making healthy choices and being consistent daily with fitness, nutrition, reading my Bible and staying focused on the positive. With the aid of my accountability group I was able to restart my healthy routine I had obtained before Kloe came along. I would definitely not have gotten as far as I have today with out them!! Since baby #2, I have lost 25 lbs and A LOT of inches! My lower half has shrunk incredibly! I become strong enough to run a half marathon, something I thought I would never do. And I continue to help others make healthy changes daily too! If you have been feeling like I was after baby #2, message me. I understand and

Is FEAR holding you back?

My past had made me so fearful to make choices that I would literally wait to long and miss AMAZING opportunities out of fear. My thoughts at the time went something like this, "If I make that choice would it really be a good outcome? What if I fail? What if I succeed?!! Hmm... I don't know if I am ready for this?" I talk to people daily and hear some of these same fears. So restasured you are not alone if you have had any of those thoughts before. We do have to remember that FEAR is captivating. It holds us back from improvement. What is failure? Is it really lack of success? NO! Failure is just a useful learning tool to guide you, mold you, help refine you and show you were the errors are, so you can work to become better and stronger. So the next time you are weighing your options, speak some truth to yourself. Ask yourself "What could go right from this opportunity?" Then allow yourself the room to learn and succeed!