My past had made me so fearful to make choices that I would literally wait to long and miss AMAZING opportunities out of fear.
My thoughts at the time went something like this, "If I make that choice would it really be a good outcome? What if I fail? What if I succeed?!! Hmm... I don't know if I am ready for this?" I talk to people daily and hear some of these same fears. So restasured you are not alone if you have had any of those thoughts before. We do have to remember that FEAR is captivating. It holds us back from improvement.
What is failure? Is it really lack of success? NO! Failure is just a useful learning tool to guide you, mold you, help refine you and show you were the errors are, so you can work to become better and stronger.
So the next time you are weighing your options, speak some truth to yourself. Ask yourself "What could go right from this opportunity?" Then allow yourself the room to learn and succeed!
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