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Positive changes breed more Positive changes!!

Welcome to my new blog and info page! I am so excited to finally be getting everything streamlined in order to help all my clients with their needs!!

I recently finished Beachbody's new 21 day, "Ultimate Reset" detox! I am so glad that I took this step to clean my system out!! It has helped me heal from the inside out! Not only did it help me shed some unwanted icky pounds and water weight. But it taught me a new way to think about food and how to use food to heal my body and health issues.

Most of us really don't take a lot of time to think about what we put into our mouths. Or how "much" food we put into our mouths... Most people think they eat pretty well. I should know, because I used to be one of those people. Honestly most of us really have no idea what we are eating on a daily basis, or how much we are eating, until we weed everything out (including eating out). Eating on the go, or eating out... The amount of dairy products we consume..The amount of packaged snack foods and candy we eat...That all builds up over time. Yikes!! It's CRAZY!! We eat because we are hungry or depressed. But have no clue the food we are putting into our mouths are not really nourishing our body's at all, only creating more junk for the body to process. That is why we are so hungry! Because the REAL need is not be met!!

If you actually take time to really think about it. Most of us tend to be pretty lazy when it comes to cooking. As if cooking 2-3 nights a week is enough. Is cooking really that hard? No! But, some don't know how to cook. Or were never taught to cook. Some are so busy, they just have no time to cook. And a lot of people are too unhealthy to cook, because they honestly just don't have the energy to do it. It is pretty sad when you stop to think about it. Which category do you fall into? I know I fell into the "unhealthy" category. I just didn't have the energy or the "want" to do cook most nights. I also was never really taught how to cook. So over the years I picked up things from here and there and experimented in the kitchen... But I never really stopped to think about how I was cooking my food. Or what I was cooking it in. Although I have made some great leaps and bounds in the kitchen, going through this detox has been a complete eye opener!!

We have all learned a lot of bad habits over the years. Especially late night snacking. Drinking the energy drinks. Going for the sweets or coffee as we are searching for things to help us stay awake... I hear it all the time, how people just can't let go of certain things. I used to be one of those people. I didn't want to change my ways totally. But now that I think back, I was the one holding me back from succeeding. I am glad that over the last year and half the Lord has been helping me to make small changes. So that I would be ready when the time was right, to make the changes necessary to better myself. Especially because no one else was going to do it for me! Now that I have made changes, my family has been inspired to do the same!! Which is totally exciting!

So in conclusion. Don't be afraid of change! It really isn't going to hurt you. The only ones holding us back are ourselves. No one else can make the choice for you. And you can't wait for someone else in your family to start making changes, before you will too. Be the catalyst in your family! Start making small changes here and there. Slowly cut back on your old habits, and you will see that positive changes breed more positive changes!! It's Awesome!! People will see what you are doing and will know that they can do it too! So don't wait to start. Just start!!


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