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Showing posts from November, 2015


This really hit home with me when I read it. It reminded me of how I used to behave, feeling victim of our situations and helpless to change our circumstances. It didn't matter if we had made a poor decision and had consequences do to those poor decisions or someone else was causing us troubles... I would focus on the negative and cause myself to be self defeated so that I would feel validated for more poor decisions. Thankfully I had a "Come to Jesus" moment and my eyes were opened to what was really going on. When I was able to see clearly, take owner ship of my mistakes, let go of the past and started reading the Bible regularly I was able to over come the head trash and started making better choices for myself. My health, positive thoughts, relationships, jobs, income and consistency improved. So whatever has been holding you back you are capable of overcoming and making a better life for yourself! #motivation #inspiration

5 Tips for Healthier Holiday Feasting

Struggling with PCOS? Here is my story...

My BIO is pretty long because I have been through A LOT! So here is a quicker version to explain all of what I have been through and what I found that has worked and helped me make PCOS manageable.

It Feels So Good To Get Stuff Done!

Yay!! We completed the Ultimate Reset!! I could not be happier right now. Although I did not do this for weight loss, I did lose lbs and inches from all over. I'm pleased with the results and feel much better, which the improved health was my main goal and we nailed it! I had a few struggles, with a detox that is normal as your flushing all sorts of junk, but all was doable and I am thankful for the friends and support during this challenge. We all leaned on each other which made life more bearable! ❤ u all!! My husbands company has us do blood work yearly for our insurance premium. Typically they have us do it once the holidays are over, you know right after we have finished stuffing our faces with less then stellar choices. So I'm excited to see the differences in the blood work now that the Reset is over and I have a clean slate. Should be very cool! Not a fan of needles, but its worth it!! I also did my measurements and have before and afters too. Brett is letting me shar

Carrot Quinoa Soup

Carrot Quinoa Soup It may not sound like much, but this soup was extremely yummy and filling! Great for a cold night and easy on the budget. - 6-9 Carrots peeled and chopped (I chose colored carrots this time) - 1/2 Yellow Onion minced - 4 Celery stalks chopped - 1/2 cup Quinoa - 1 32oz box Veggie Stock Directions: - Sautee onions until tender in olive oil on med heat. - Add carrots and celery and sautee until tender. - Add Veggie Stock and bring to a boil, then lower to Low heat. - I cook the quinoa separately and add at the end. **You can cook the quinoa in the soup, however you will need an extra cup of liquid. - Add salt and/or Red Pepper Flakes to jazz it up.

Best Salad Dressing EVER!!

Recipe Alert⤵⤵⤵ Creamy Garlic Dressing - 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil - 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar - 3-5 cloves of garlic (crushed) - 3 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice - 2 Tbsp. chopped fresh parsley (optional) - 1 tsp. Himalayan salt - 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard (regular mustard makes it more tangy) - 1 Tbsp. unfiltered honey or Organic Grade A Maple Syrup Blend in a blender until smooth.

Healthy Sweet Treat Alert!

Chocolate Shakeology Mug Cake Perfect for sweet treat treat that is low in sugar! (You could probably use any flavor Shakeo you have on hand) I used Vegan Chocolate and it was awesome! Ingredients: 1/4 tsp baking powder 1 tbsp Organic Maple Syrup 1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology dash of salt 1 egg optional mix in: 1 tsp peanut butter, cocoa powder 2 or 3 tbsp cashew milk (unsweetened) Directions: In a mug mix Shakeology, baking powder, salt, cocoa, and sweetener. Next, mix in an egg and 2-3 tablespoons of water/milk. Mix until dry ingredients are wet. If you’d like to add peanut butter, put one dollop in the center and push it down a bit. Microwave for 90 sec. When it is done the edges will pull from the sides. Enjoy! Calories: 230 Calories with PB: 260 21 Day Fix: 1.5 Red, (& 1/2 Grey if PB added)


***Been stuck on HOLD with your goals? Special Opportunity below*** Are you ready to get serious and start making consistent healthy changes that you can stick with daily? I'm not talking about gimmicks or quick fixes. What I am offering is a chance to NAIL your goals the healthy way and create a better lifestyle that you can live with! The simple facts are that the average person who is already struggling gains 7-12 pounds during the holiday season! OUCH!! That is C-R-A-Z-Y, right?! No one wants to be part of that statistic, so why not work on boosting your metabolism and creating a healhier lifestyle NOW the healthy way? Keeping things simple works best! I have found that when people don't have to over think or over complicate nutrition, food or fitness, everyone has more success and less stress. Which means consistent healthier habits, inches lossed, and happier people in general! My 21 Day Challenge's are perfect for creating consistent healthy habits, shedding extr

How to Overcome a Mental Rut

Mental RUT'S stink right?!! Here's a few tips on how to get passed those ruts and stay on track. We often look at unfortunate situations through a pessimistic lens—but what does that really do for us? Instead of fixating on “coulda, woulda, shoulda,” maybe it’s more beneficial to set your mind on moving forward. A good way to do this is by focusing on possible solutions for the future, rather than the problems of the past. When people are obsessed over a problem, its easy to get discouraged by the lack of progress and/or repeatedly failing to achieve their goals. When things get to hard we toss our hands in the air as if to say, “what the hell” and move on to the next thing. Think about a situation, such as slipping up on your diet by eating a slice of cake. Since you’ve already failed, you continue to indulge and binge on even more junk food, because “what the hell,” why not? But all of this drives you further and further away from your original objectives. Instead, forget

Mint Chocolate Truffles

I LOVE chocolate! Especially MINT chocolate! These minty truffles have so much chocolate flavor, one is all you need!!! Ingredients: 5 oz dark chocolate, 70% cocoa or higher, finely chopped 1 Tbsp. extra-virgin coconut oil, melted ½ cup canned lite coconut milk ½ tsp. pure mint extract (or pure vanilla extract) ⅓ cup unsweetened cocoa Preparation: 1. Combine chocolate, oil, and extract in a small bowl; mix well. Set aside. 2. Bring coconut milk to a gentle boil in small saucepan over medium heat. 3. Add coconut milk to chocolate mixture; whisk gently to blend. 4. Place chocolate mixture, covered, in refrigerator for at least 4 hours, or overnight. 5. Using a melon baller or spoon, scoop out 1 Tbsp. of chocolate mixture. Roll into a ball. Roll in cocoa powder until evenly coated. Repeat to make twelve truffles. 6. Store in refrigerator for up to one week or in freezer for three months.

Carbs? Good or Bad?

Carbs are really not the bad guy they are made out to be. The problem is most people do not know which ones to use o how to use them properly. Eating small portions of carbs goes a long way to help keep your sugars balanced and keep your energy up daily. So use them wisely!


Ever get sick of the daily grind and missing out on family time? Being strapped living on a very tight budget with no relief in site? Those are just a few reasons I started considering working from home. Our top priorities are the Almighty and our family. We wanted everything to work around them, including a business, instead of the opposite which was having our lives dictated by our jobs so that family came last. That was a huge NO GO!! Since making the decision to work from home we have been HUGELY blessed! Now we have the freedom to care for our family the way they need us to and still take care of business without missing any time with them. Last week we chilled around the table and played with play dough, colored, went to 2 soccer ⚽ games and played outside🌳 because the weather was so beautiful! My office went with us and we all benefited, because of the awesome flexibility Coaching has brought to our family. My Office = My Freedom Whatever position you are in, this opportuni