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Love this! It really is true.
It's not always easy to shift our perspective when we're in the thick of it! Life can be HARD and it's easy to get caught up in fear, anger and staring at all the problems we face.
But, by changing the way we think-- for the better 😄! It's worth the challenge we face in the process to make that shift happen.
Prayer always helps and Jesus is always listening! Whether you think He is or not, I assure you He's listening and answers are coming.  "And this is the boldness that we have in Him, that if we ask whatever according to His desire, He hears us."
1 John 5:14
Listening to those who've been through a tough spot and come out the other side gives hope.
Listening to audible or reading books on positive motivation is encouraging.
Surrounding yourself with other encouraging, happy and excited people helps too!
The main thing I'm learning from going through personal struggles is to keep pursuing having a positive mindset even when times get HARD. It's not always easy to do, but it is worth it and we are CAPABLE. 😍 #beencouraged


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