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Little kids be CRAZY!

Before you stop to judge me over what you're about to read, I actually do in fact watch my kids. ;) As parents we all have those days were we fall down, make mistakes, lose track of why we walked in a room, yell at the wrong kid, use the wrong kids name and miss little things like I did today. So with that said, "His grace is sufficient for me", and I'll dust myself off and be watching this little one like a hawk, because she gets into WAY more mischief then our other two darlings.

Okay! I just have to ask...why do little's have to put EVERYTHING in their mouths??? I know scholars say it's because that's how they learn. However, some part of me believes our kids do it out of shear fear factor to torture us! I think the little's have a plot to see how far they can push Mom and Dad before they absolutely f-r-e-a-k out!! LOL! 

I mean take little #2 for example. At 16 months we decided to take a trip to the Adventure Science Center in Nashville. They have all sorts of cool stuff for all ages and loads of tactile things for hands on kids like mine. And of course they'd have to have something cool for them to touch on the floor too! Right on the floor in the middle of everything, where everyone walks is this really neat galaxy made entirely out of tire pieces. I guess it looked pretty tasty, because the next thing I knew Miss Kloe was leaning down toward the floor and licked it! Yup, she totally licked the floor which everyone walks on!! Blech... Needless to say I was mortified, grossed out and of course I thought she'd die of some awful disease left there by someones nasty shoes. 

Did she die though? Nope. She got a bit of a tummy bug for about 24 hrs, nothing essential oils couldn't handle and bounced back quickly. So, after that I was a bit less stressy over what went into my kids mouths. Not that it doesn't take every ounce of patience to keep from running over to stop them from doing certain things. But through the years and now 3 kids I've learned there are just some battles not worth fighting. Kids are going to be kids and they do crazy stuff! However, there are still some things my kids do that I just don't get. Which is why I'm thinking baby latches were invented?

After little #2 broke most of our cabinet and drawer latches (yes, she's our bull in a china closet. Lol! And a smart one at that! She knew just how to beat all the different kinds of latches we tried.), little #3 has stepped up to the plate to one up her older sister and test Mom and Dad.

Although we got away with slacking for a little while following baby #3's arrival, we never expected her to out sneak her big sister! To everyone's disbelief our cute little smiley red head has found a whole new level of manipulation and sneakiness then ever expected. So now it's time to rock her world a bit and  put more precautions in place in hopes to keep her safe and dial back our tenacious little stinker.

My little stinker!
After what seemed a non stop game over stealing the dogs food and playing Bongos on the potty lid (ummm...yuck!), I finally had enough and blocked her path to those things. Of course she was not having it! So she decided to dial up the stinker inside her and grabbed something totally out of her norm from under our kitchen sink. Since I know she loves going into specific cabinets I keep a couple of kid friendly things front and center for her to grab and carry around. However, today I was distracted slightly and she decided to snag the bin of dish washer pods instead! Holy  balls!!

Shortly after blocking her path to the dog bowl and toilet I sat down to take breather and post a quick pick about my new yummy Fudgy Avocado Cookies on Instagram. I totally thought I had thwarted all possible baby pit falls for the moment and all was well. Ha! All of the sudden I got this urge to look over at her (it was too quiet and my Mommy senses were tingling) only to see her sitting with a busted dishwasher pod on the floor in front of her and orange liquid on her hands and face! 

Needless to say I freaked on the inside a bit! Every possible bad scenario flooded my head in an instant!! Then all the sudden I got a grip as if Jesus took hold of me and snapped me out of my daze. Shew! Then I snatched that little whipper snapper up, held her over the sink and started cleaning her mouth out. Thankfully I don't use powder dishwasher pods, I use an orange liquid pod but I still wasn't sure if any soap made it in her mouth or not? But I know my daughter all too well and she LOVES to taste EVERYTHING, so I wasn't taking any chances!

I washed her mouth out as well as I could and then rinsed her face and hands too. She was not happy about any of it, but she let me clean her up without too much crying, screaming and flailing of arms and legs. Then I thought about calling my husband. But.... he was at work. A call like this kind would definitely not go over well, especially if he was in a meeting (which later I found out he was). I didn't have the original box the pods came in, so I'm thankful my old chemical training from past jobs clicked in. I remembered they always said to check the MSDS first, but I obviously didn't have one of those! So the next step was always to call poison control, because they'd for sure have the info on the pods I use and they would tell me what to do if I missed anything. #scarymommymoment

Thankfully the poison control tech I spoke with was great! He was calm and asked all the right questions. He mentioned that since little #3 was not coughing, having trouble breathing or unable to breathe that she probably had not breathed the product in at all. Inhalation from the popping of the pod is the primary cause for most people having to get emergency help in these cases. The popping of the gel/powder packs aspirates in the lungs and causes all sorts of wicked problems! So since she seemed fine, he said she may only have a bit of an upset tummy and/or bad taste in her mouth, but not to worry. Since I was already scolding myself internally, of course I was expecting the tech to scold me too! Thankfully he didn't do that and was super kind and told me that my instinct to wash her mouth, face and hands were the right thing to do.  Then once we hung up it was time for a bath just to ensure I had gotten everything off of her skin.
Pods are now on my counter out of reach

Needless to say this incident scared the crap out me! Scared me for life. But in typical kid fashion Baby Katelynn seems totally un-phased.  Although, later on she may not be so happy when she figures out that all the cabinets are locked up tight. But she'll either get over it or find new ways to get passed the locks. And if she's half the stinker I know she is she'll be back into my cabinets in no time at all! LOL!

I'm think perhaps eating dog food and playing Bongos on the toilet was the least of my worries...  #crisisoverted


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