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Showing posts from October, 2015

You Can Have Success!

Changes don't happen over night, but they do happen! Consistency and smart choices are the key!! I didn't start out with a goal to lose weight, that was just a bonus. My initial goal was to become healthy again because I was struggling in so many areas. I couldn't sleep, think straight, my moods were crazy, hormones were a mess with PCOS, and my cravings were through the roof! Thankfully with the right tools, support, nutrition and consistency I was able to reclaim a healthy ME again! Are you feeling stuck and in need of a change? Try my next healthy Pre-Turkey Day Challenge! You can do this!! Email me at or click going to my event below. 👇👇👇 I am so excited for this Pre-Turkey Extravaganza event! We all do it yearly... Stuff our faces until we want to pop. Then we ignore that we are feeling bloated and uncomfortable, put on baggy clothing and wait until after the holidays are over to start feeling better again. So this year I want to change that

Overcoming Obstacles

What do you tell yourself when you struggle? Do you remind yourself that things will improve if you give it time or do you get lost in the moment and find yourself feeling shattered, worn out and potentially on the verge of quitting? I have done both. And depending on the situation been on the verge of quitting something because I was super stressed. However one thing I have learned is that quitting achieves nothing but staying where you are at. You don't move forward or go backward. You just sit idle until you decide to pull it together and push on. I think the enemy takes advantage of those situations as well and uses that negative self speak against us,making us feel like what we are doing isn't worth it. Thankfully Jesus is there to pick up the pieces and pull us together so we can choose to keep pushing forward again. He definitely sees a stronger person in me then I do most days. Gotta LOVE Him for always believing in us!

Join Me!

Would You LOVE To Work From Home And Get Fit? FREE ONLINE FITNESS COACH ORIENTATION GROUP I'm looking for 5 women to mentor in an online health and fitness coaching business in November. I am a Mom to a 2 1/2 and 13 year old and I work from home as a Beachbody Coach with an online fitness coaching business. Have you thought to yourself..."I would love to work from home and earn a full time income! But what is this coaching thing Leigh keeps talking about?" You can learn more by joining our 3 Day Sneak Peak and we will show you how it is going to work! >>Drop your email below if you are interested in learning more and joining the group on Facebook and I will contact you with the link to the group! Or message me Be sure to ADD me as a friend a so I can add you into the group. YAY, this is going to be so much fun!

Change your Perspective, Change your Life!

Perspective is everything when you are trying to make positive and health changes in your life. Doing your best to focus on the positive and the things you did right daily is super important! When we over analyze things we tend to stand in judgment of everything and everyone. So I have found its best to relax and let go. Jesus can handle everything with out us holding on tight to all the strings. When we hold on too tight, it's too easy to miss all the good and beautiful moments that surround us. Changing your perspective can drastically improve your health and your life!

5 Tips for Warding Off a Cold

We have all tried to avoid the common cold by taking our vitamins, avoiding our sniffly friends, and obsessively washing our hands. But despite our best efforts, we can tell we’re coming down with a cold. Luckily, you can take a few simple steps to nip it in the bud — or at least speed up your recovery so it doesn’t ruin your whole week. Here’s how to get rid of a cold — according to someone in the know: Dr. Scott Helmers, an urgent care physician for the Mayo Clinic Health System. 1. Hydrate. Your mom was right: You need your fluids. Hydration helps your body fire on all cylinders, but it’s especially important when you’re battling a cold. A cup of warm water or hot tea can soothe a scratchy throat, and the fluids will thin out your mucus, so you won’t feel as stuffy. Water, juice, or broth will do the trick, and you don’t need to overthink the number of ounces. “It’s really just a matter of satisfying your thirst — maybe have an extra glass of fluid every couple of hours,” says Dr.

Pumpkin Spice Protein Pancakes

Pumpkin Spice Protein Pancakes are perfect for fall! Ingredients: 1 cup pumpkin puree ¼ cup unsweetened almond milk 3 large egg whites (⅓ cup) 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract 1 cup quick cooking oats 1 scoop whey protein powder, vanilla flavor ½ tsp. ground cinnamon ½ tsp. ground nutmeg 1 tsp. baking powder Nonstick cooking spray 2 Tbsp. reduced fat (2%) plain Greek yogurt Preparation: 1. Combine pumpkin, almond milk, egg whites, and extract a medium bowl; whisk to blend. Set aside. 2. Combine oats, protein powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and baking powder in a medium bowl; mix well. 3. Add oat mixture to pumpkin mixture; mix until just blended. 4. Heat large nonstick skillet lightly coated with spray over medium heat. Ladle about ¼ cup batter for each pancake; cook for 2 to 3 minutes, or until bubbles form on top. Flip. Cook for 90 seconds, or until golden brown and cooked through. 5. Divide pancakes between two serving plates; top evenly with yogurt. Tip: Leftover pancakes c

The Instant Gratification Sucker Punch

Most of us want instant gratification whether it be with our health, finances, work, food, weight loss, school... Often forgetting and overlooking what instant gratification actually does to us. Instant gratification is not a learning tool! It provides no skills for the future. It only provides easy access which over time depletes value and creates a dependent spirit and negative attitude. Often leaving us feeling let down or taken advantage of. Which depletes us of much more then what we thought over time. When we finally wake up from our instant gratification haze and start taking the time to invest in ourselves the right way, we start to grow, our attitudes change for the better and we find value in things all around us. Although it's a longer process, which requires hard work, perseverance and consistency... over time we are built into stronger and healthier individuals in all areas of our lives. Often times far exceeding what instant gratification could have ever given us!

Stuffed Peppers is what's for dinner!

Have you ever tried stuffed peppers? YUM!! Super easy to make too!? This was last nights dinner. Along with a side of steamed green beans. -Chicken chunked -Quinoa or your choice of grain -Adzuki beans or your choice of bean -Mix together in a bowl -Add mixture to peppers -Top with cheese if you like -Bake for 30-40 min at 350°