I have to say that stuff like this just irritates me to pieces! You know some poor schmuck is going to jump on this bandwagon and end up really hurting themselves!
For real! There is no MAGIC fruit, pill, oil, detox, whatever. Heck even surgery only works for so long. The point is if you don't clean up your act and get serious about the stuff you put in your mouth, and how you treat your body daily...then all your efforts will be wasted!
Everything is good in moderation. Don't abuse food, pills, oils, supplements or exercise. Learn how to effectively eat and exercise and you will more then likely lose weight and keep it off. Ok, end of rant! #latestrage #rant #sickandtired #gimicsdontwork #eathealthy #eatforlife #nomagicpill #getaclue
For real! There is no MAGIC fruit, pill, oil, detox, whatever. Heck even surgery only works for so long. The point is if you don't clean up your act and get serious about the stuff you put in your mouth, and how you treat your body daily...then all your efforts will be wasted!
Everything is good in moderation. Don't abuse food, pills, oils, supplements or exercise. Learn how to effectively eat and exercise and you will more then likely lose weight and keep it off. Ok, end of rant! #latestrage #rant #sickandtired #gimicsdontwork #eathealthy #eatforlife #nomagicpill #getaclue
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