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Combat Day 1 &2

I know in my previous blog I was going to walk and do yoga. But I just have not been able to get out of the house, since it has been super HOT and HUMID here in Tennessee! The baby gets really hot and sweaty in her stroller, and if I go out at night we get eaten alive by mosquitoes. YIKES! I have been chomping at the bit to try Lem Mills Combat, so I decided to DO IT!! I figure I can modify as necessary and slow things down, so that I don't compromise my milk supply (still breastfeeding). It will be interesting to see what happens.

Day 1... I put disk #1 in to find out it was unreadable!! Grrrr... I called Coach Relations and their service is always great!! Whenever you buy straight from Beachbody they back everything, so I am getting my disk replaced for FREE!! In the mean time I am using some other disks that came in the set.

I went ahead and started with Combat Live 30. I enjoyed it, and it was easy to modify so that I didn't over due it. Can't get too crazy or I will burn off the calories needed to make milk for the baby. There is always a learning curve with a new program, so I did feel a little lost at times. But since it is all on DVD I can just hit rewind. I always hated being in a class full of people and getting lost in the middle of a routine, only to miss most of the instruction! So rewinding is AWESOME!!

Day 2 was HIT #1. Basically it was a strength video followed by the Stretch workout. I enjoyed both workouts. They were easy to follow and hit all my muscles nicely! The following day I could really feel that Dan and Rachel worked muscles I haven't used in a long time or EVER. LOL!! I was sore in some unusual places. The HIT workout really hit those smaller muscles, so I am happy with that. ;) Can you say, "definition"! Ya Baby!!

I look forward to the future and seeing how this program changes my body!

My biggest struggle in the beginning is always what to eat. The program comes with a lot of good options. Now I just need to get my booty to the store! So far I have been able to use most of the items in my fridge, but I do need more variety, cause I get bored easily. Thankfully I haven't gotten bored with Shakeology. There are always cool ways to mix it, so it doesn't get boring! And I just got the new Vanilla, which is SUPER Yummy!!

Oh yeah! I am also super excited that this program is not bothering my joints! In the past I have had problems with over extension, but Dan and Rachel keep your movements in check. Yay!


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