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Showing posts from July, 2014

Falling in love with PiYo!

I just recently started with PiYo. I was not sure if I was going to like, but knew I need some extra help in the flexibility department. I get pretty tight in the hip and thigh area and recently have been under a lot of stress... So I was excited to see what this program had in store for me. So far I have increased mobility and less inflammation with only 5 days of using this program. I am also losing more size in my hip/thunder thigh area! Which is always a plus in my book! I can't wait to see how my challengers do with this program. I think they are gonna LOVE it too! If you would like more info on what PiYo is and how it works... Check out the details in my Evite on Facebook.

PCOS "Kiss My Ass" Challenge

If I could give you the tools needed to battle and help you gain control over your PCOS or your money back, would you do it? If you are serious about gaining control over your PCOS and "Kicking it's ASS" you will have to commit to all the requirements listed below. ** It takes more then just 1 healthy change to gain control over PCOS. So the requirements are non-negotiable for SUCCESS! ** Requirements: Commit to a special meal plan I will provide. Commit to 1 workout 20-30 min per day. PCOS can not be controlled without the nutritional factor! Commit to drinking one nutritionally dense (MEGA supplement) shake that I will provide you every day. Commit to clearing out all the junk food in your home. Commit to using non-toxic cleaners in your home. Commit to drinking at least eight 12oz glasses of water per day? Commit to 30 - 60 days on this program. ** If you are ready to invest the time and effort in yourself and commit to...