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Showing posts from May, 2014

Cute Kid Snack Ideas

Healthy Diet For POCS

What To Eat When You Are Broke

The lower your income is, the more difficult it is to be particular about what you feed your family. This probably isn't an earth-shattering revelation to anyone, but if you feel like experimenting, try to buy a week’s worth of healthy food for a family on a budget of, say, $50-75.  Food manufacturers that target lower income shoppers with more affordable products tend to include more GMOs and toxic ingredients in their offerings. It just isn’t possible to stick to my usual food restrictions.  Generally speaking I avoid: Click the link below to continue reading

Let's Get Real People!

I have to say that stuff like this just irritates me to pieces! You know some poor schmuck is going to jump on this bandwagon and end up really hurting themselves! For real! There is no MAGIC fruit, pill, oil, detox, whatever. Heck even surgery only works for so long. The point is if you don't clean up your act and get serious about the stuff you put in your mouth, and how you treat your body daily...then all your efforts will be wasted! Everything is good in moderation. Don't abuse food, pills, oils, supplements or exercise. Learn how to effectively eat and exercise and you will more then likely lose weight and keep it off. Ok, end of rant! #latestrage #rant #sickandtired #gimicsdontwork #eathealthy #eatforlife #nomagicpill #getaclue

It's FREE!

I wanted invite you to my Free 7 day Core Challenge starting Monday, May 12th!  This CORE and Clean Eating Challenge will be hosted on Facebook and you will also receive daily emails from me. This challenge will help you get your summer off to a successful start! I would love for you to join me!!  I have heard it very often from my clients that the one thing they struggle with the most is clean eating and what that means. I am here to help with that!  To sign up please go to this page and fill out the short questionnaire. I will be in touch with you today to get you added to the group!  SIGN UP HERE!

Self-worth is Vital to Success!

Move It!

Do you ever stand in your own way? I think lots of us do from time to time. That is why it's important to stop making excuses and start achieving what's important! 

Results Time!

Here are my results from the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology! 11 lbs lost and 7" off my entire body!! To see all my results and more pics CLICK HERE!

Vegan Recipe Idea

Vegan Food ideas.  Click the link below to find the recipe.

Meal Plan Ideas For POCS

Nutrition plays a huge role in the success of battling with PCOS.   Here is a Recommended Meal Plan for those you who need some guidance into finding a better way to combat your PCOS.

Meal Planning Ideas

Need some help figuring out what to eat daily? Try some of these healthy meal plans!

Why You Need Support From Your Spouse

Let's face it, in order to succeed we all need support. Right?! If you don't think you need support, then you may want to think again. There will be days when you won't feel like doing anything, days when you don't feel good, and days when you just feel like you want to quit. These are the times when support plays a HUGE role in SUCCESS! Just like support from your Coach, it's important to have spousal support as well. Here is a quick clip from Chalene Johnson, explaining why/how having support from your spouse can help you get to your goal quicker.   Trainer Tip

Gluten Free Chicken Nuggets

More fabulous kid recipes! 

Kid Tested Recipe

Need some yummy kid recipes? Check this website out. They have loads of fantastic ideas!

Challenge Yourself

Shred Your CORE!

Who doesn't want a shredded CORE?! Uhhh... Me!  No one really likes having a fat pouch or apron hanging on the front of their body. Lets be honest they are uncomfortable and embarrassing, right?! Here are some fabulous tips from Autumn, (the creator of the 21 Day Fix) on how to flatten those abs.