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Mommy Makeover 30-Day Challenge

We all know the saying if Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy…can you relate? How about “if Mama ain’t healthy, ain’t nobody healthy”…Similar concept, right?

The purpose of this 30 day challenge group is to learn how to take care of YOU. 30 days focused on YOU. And others like YOU! We will share stories, drink our daily dose of dense nutrition (Shakeology), participate in daily fitness challenges, exchange recipes, tips, advice and connect on so many levels and build friendships in the process.

The challenge is set for 30 days, but hopefully you will gain a lifetime of new knowledge, encouragement, fitness tips, motivation and friendships that carry us through the tough “one of those days” days and help us reach our fitness goals. By doing so, we will have happier lives, husbands, and children. We all know that being a Mom is the most amazing experience ever, and we quickly learn that the once abundant “me time” quickly becomes limited (or non-existent) and that Motherhood is a crazy balance (tug-of-war!) between daily chores, work, children, husband, friends, freedom and self. I am not sure if any one woman has it all figured out, but we are sure going to try! ;-)


1) Take 10 minutes a day to interact with this group. The laundry, the cooking, the mess can wait.

2) I must be your Beachbody Coach. Sign up for your FREE account at and click JOIN (free membership)

3) Purchase a 30 day supply of Shakeology (one time order or set up on auto-ship.) –Mother’s Day gift!? ;-)

4) Drink Shakeology once daily.

5) Post & share in the group daily.

6) Complete the application here. Space in this group is limited.

1) Renew yourself.
2) Renew your soul.
3) Connect with other moms.
4) Build friendships.
5) Become healthier, happier and fit!
6) Learn how to reach your goals.
7) Help encourage others.

You must be supportive. You have to give your amazing woman a few minutes to complete the challenges for the day…allow her to close door and escape. Just for a few minutes. You’ll be glad you did ;-)


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