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New Beginnings!!

I can’t believe that an entire year has passed by already! This time last year I had just returned from Beachbody’s Coach Summit in Vegas. I had a wonderful time, but was feeling really emotional during my whole trip. I chalked it up to all the excitement at Summit, and blew off the fact that I maybe pregnant again. Being pregnant again was too scary a thought at that moment in time, since I had just had a miscarriage a few short months earlier. That was one of the hardest things I have ever been through emotionally. There are just no words to describe it, unless you have gone through it.
With all new beginnings it is nice to have a fresh start. So I started off with the doing Beachbody’s new cleanse, “The Ultimate Reset”. With the miscarriage behind me, I came to the conclusion that I really did want to have children again, even if the age spacing wasn’t going to be like we had anticipated. We never thought we would end up with a 10 year age gap!! YOWSA!! 

I decided to complete the 3 week cleanse to help restore my hormone levels and help sort out any leftover sugar issues that I still had… I had no idea that my body would respond so well to all the healthy meals designed just for the Ultimate Reset. Yes, you do eat on this cleanse! That is what attracted me. I like to eat and I wanted to learn more about making better choices for myself and my family. Anyhow, The Ultimate Reset did a bang up job restoring my hormonal levels that before I could even start the hormonal treatments to become pregnant, I had already gotten pregnant the old fashioned way!! J (Back story: with the news of the miscarriage we found out I have been suffering from PCOS. Which would explain why I have struggled with female issues, weight problems and energy issues most of my life.) 

Being pregnant for the second time and being in better shape helped a lot. My husband and I are also in a better place emotionally, which I know helped us through the entire process. I still had several struggles with general relaxation during pregnancy. It’s hard to make me slow down, but my body was good at putting a halt to me doing too much activity. My body looked pretty good throughout this pregnancy, no major water weight gain. THANK GOD!! With my son I looked like a balloon ready to POP! I was able to exercise solidly through two trimesters and the third trimester I needed much more rest so I took lots of naps when I could. Reflux was the big party pooper and the basketball pushing up into my lungs made it hard to breath during the third trimester. Labor and delivery went very similar to my first experience. SLOW… SLOW… SLOW… But my husband was my hero and kept me engaged and we worked through the pain together.

To everyone’s surprise Kloe came into the world a whopping 9lbs and 10oz!! Even the doctor was shocked and asked, “Where did you hide her.” Hahhaaa!! I told you I carried well. ;) Kloe was a big girl, but solid. She didn’t have a whole lot of pudge like you would typically see on a new born that size. So my husband said that Kloe must be a “Beachbody Baby!” She was surprisingly strong too. Good neck muscles from the beginning and a whole head of hair. I think the essential fatty acids helped her a lot.

Now it’s been 3 months since we brought Kloe home. It’s almost like starting over again, but this time we have our old experiences to help guide us in the right direction. When I have gotten stuck with breastfeeding this time, I have not quit but hung in there and worked through my problems. With my first child I experienced, thrush, mastitis, poor milk supply… And this time I have had similar issues, but I am not being so hard on myself. I really think that doing these Beachbody Challenges has helped me dig deep and work through my pain in an effort to get better and find what works. With all challenges in life, it is best not to quit, but to just keep trying until you find what works. Life is never perfect, so I am not sure why we are always expecting it to be perfect? A lesson I feel like the Lord keeps making me relearn over and over again. LOL! Anyhow, we are all enjoying the new bundle of joy we have been blessed with. Kloe is an AWESOME addition to the family! She is a good baby in general, not too fussy and has a great personality.

At this point I am ready to start getting my body back into shape again. With Kloe’s birth and breastfeeding, it has taken my hormones longer to balance out. So that meant a longer healing time for me, something that I was totally not expecting. Then again I am not 27 anymore. Hahaa! With my low milk supply I have also learned I can’t do my regular workouts. It actually takes too much energy and then I start to dry up. I am focusing on doing less intense exercises. Looks like yoga and walking will have to do for now. Thankfully I still have my Shakeology!!   


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