Have you ever had issues with your health because you go and go until you end up sick and in bed? You have to find time to rest. I
don't just mean getting to bed at a reasonable hour (although that is
part of it), I mean that you need to take some time to yourself
How many hours a day do you actually work? Do you need to work less but work smarter? Try taking more time to take care of yourself.
Here is what I recommend:
Start your day with your workout. Get that out of the way and begin your day with a success. You have truly proven that your health is a priority if you will make this change in your life. I know it's hard at first, but you will be surprised how you can make this a lifelong habit if you make the decision to do this.
Next I want you to consider your time for yourself. Do you take time away from your normal environment? Maybe you should take some time to go to the beach, a lake, park, or go for a hike at least once a week. Time away enables you to get perspective, to free your mind from the usual chatter that can keep you from being productive.
So make sure you
take time to yourself, time to meditate, time with God that will renew
your spirit, help you to feel more energized and bring you the ability
to move forward with new enthusiasm.
Another benefit of
doing this is that the obstacles that seemed to be looming large will
often diminish when you are removed from them for a while. Sometimes, that is all you need to overcome those daunting issues - a little perspective.
Plan your "me" time for the next week in your calendar NOW!
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