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Showing posts from February, 2016

PCOS and the BEAR

Blessings to all my Cysters! I know its not always easy, but the fight is worth it!! Perseverance, consistency with healthy things and finding what works best for your body all pays off. Love and hugs to all! #pcos #persevere

Life by DESIGN

As a child I remember thinking my parents knew everything. Therfore, I felt as an adult I should know everything too. I should have everything in line and know exactly where I was supposed to go with my life, right? Maybe you felt the way too? Only to find out you knew nothing and had no clue where you wanted to go or what you wanted to be?... What I didn't know is as adults we are all in a constant state of learning and redifining ourselves. Who we feel we are changes over the years. What we want out of life changes too. And we eventually have the "Ah Ha" moment of allowing life to take it's course. Or we finally realize we can be redefined and be anything we want to be. If you asked me in my 20's what I wanted to be as an adult, I would've said a helicopter pilot. Although I did set out going for that, my plans quickly changed because of an inner ear issue. Back then I would have also said I belived the Almighty was in control over my life, I'm not...

Work it girl!

Here's a great quick work out to get your day started off on a happy note. Give it a shot tomorrow and tell me how it went. 😆😉💪👟 #workout #fittip #fitnessroutine

Clean Eating and Fat Loss

Clean eating, food prep and nutrition are THE MOST important steps I do all week to keep my healthy journey on track. I have found out the hard way that you can work out all day and still not see results if your not getting the right nutrition and eating properly daily. Without good nutrition and proper healthy food options you'll have one of two out comes. Either you won't see results at all, or your body will hang onto fat in specific parts of the body (back fat, belly, arms)... Once your get your nutrition along with clean healthy eating in line, that's when you'll see real changes happen. You'll see the fat fly off, your muscles nice and toned and your results will last! #tip #cleaneating #realdeal