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Showing posts from August, 2015

How to get MOTIVATED when your not feeling the LOVE

Some days your just not gonna feel like working out, drinking water or eating right. Those are the days you have to push a little harder and speak some truth to yourself. Do I want to do this today, "No". Will this help me, "Yes". Will being consistent get me to my healthy goal faster, "Yes". Enough said... I have found speaking some truth to yourself, asking yourself some questions about why your struggling really helps when your having a crummy day. Its been an important part of my healthy journey to identify the stumbling blocks. Sometimes we allow others to interfere with how we feel, sometime we just feel out of control in general or just have a bad attitude towards life and circumstances. So the questions come in super handy to identify the route problem, so you can get a handle on things and make some positive choices for yourself. Today I had to ask myself some tough questions. And I came to the realisation that I was not the one in control o...