Since starting on my pregnancy journey 3 1/2 months ago, I have experienced a lot of ups and downs physically. With my first pregnancy I was tired, however I never really had any negative issues with food. This time around (although I am thankful for not being so physically ill that I had to throw up) I have experienced NON- STOP NASEAU!! YUCK!! Which for someone who's like me and like to eat has been difficult to deal with. The first trimester I could not find anything to really settle my stomach. I tried all food, good and bad and nothing seemed to help. I was beginning to wonder if this would go on through the duration of my pregnancy, but thankfully as I entered the 2nd trimester I have been blessed with a new settled tummy!! Yay!! Now that I am in the 2nd trimester, not only is my tummy feeling better, but now I have more energy as well!! I am so happy to be able to workout again! Although I am not really interested in doing the harder workouts I once did pre-preg...